Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Now the real work begins

Starting a business is a funny thing. You plan, and build, and wait for the "perfect" time to launch. You keep waiting and watching and thinking about what you will do when you reach the point of no return. Will you jump off the cliff, or will you back down and return to the safe place that normal people enjoy?

The funny part is, by the time you are ready to make that decision, the decision has been made for you. Day one is not the first day you open your doors and sit by the phone, hoping it rings. Day one was that first conversation over coffee, that first chat over a pint, the first time you felt out whoever it was that you trusted to see if they were also thinking of jumping off that cliff. Day one was that day you discovered that they weren't just thinking, but were building a glider, and instead of feeling each other out you ended up spending most of the time drawing up plans for a glider to fit the both of you. Or better yet, a rocket ship.

Day one was that day you realized "Shit. The point of no return was back there."

There's no point in trying to un-jump. You're over the cliff.

Time to fire those rockets and aim.

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