Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And lastly, for the Lion

I recently came across this article by Garry Kasparov that got me thinking about writing a post about brands and business and how, as Seth Godin describes it, "surprise matters". However, after looking back at the article I realized that isn't what I wanted to say at all.

I keep coming back to this one quote: "It demands if not moral or physical courage then at least boldness and daring."

Moral or physical courage. How many people choose to describe themselves as courageous? How many companies describe themselves as courageous? How many dare to? I think there's a fallacy that courage is the opposite of fear. The truth is; the times in my life that I've had to be the most courageous, I've been the most scared.

Courage isn't boldness for the sake of being bold. Courage is not just saying but doing what you believe is right. Courage is following your beliefs and passions now, not someday, and taking steps big and small, every single day, in order to get there. Courage is saying to the world what you believe in. No matter how bold. No matter how daring.

Courage is saying that I will build the best company to work for, and because of that I will build the best creative company in the world. Courage is saying that I will be successful along with the people and the companies who work along with me, that I will share the risk and the reward equally, and that I will do it while staying true to my values and beliefs. Courage is saying that I will not only create a great company, but I will create a company that is passionate, bold, and ultimately, courageous.

Beacause, when I reach the end and look back on my life, I'd rather be labelled a failure than a coward, no matter how scared I was.

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